Lisa Onizuka wrote:
> So, I complete redid this site that was all nasty nested tables and spacer
> images, a pretty clean css layout. 
> Of course, now the client (a design agency who has not yet shown the redo to
> their client) wants to hold on to wacky remnants like photos and little
> corner points and  that are also links, I added in those extra
> links. They are currently laid over bg images with absolute positioning, but
> that makes my suckerfish dropdowns in ie6 go behind the boxes. The reason
> they are bg images was because I had layout issues in safari if I left them
> as linked images that were right or left aligned (two are left, one is
> right).
> I would love to feed ie6 some conditional comments, but I am not sure what
> style to put in there. I tried the z-index:-1 trick and the boxes just
> disappeared in ie6.
> In IE6 there is also something pushing the layout out about 5px on the
> right...
> It would validate if not for flash stuff left in noscript for older
> browsers.
> Argggggggggg. Help is certainly appreciated...I feel like I'm just going in
> circles now. 
Try giving ul#nav a position:relative declaration.

Good luck!

- HP
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