David Dorward wrote:
> On 26/03/2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  I need to embed all the CSS from below into the style="" attribute of the
>>  table HTML:
>>  .settings td {border:1px solid #696969;}
> Shame, it isn't possible.
> CSS goes in one of two places.
> (1) In a style sheet as full CSS
> (2) In a style attribute as the contents of a declaration block
> There is no way to use selectors except in a real stylesheet.
He's right on that. If neither of these two methods are available, you 
have to use inline styles on each td to which you want those properties 

I'm a bit "Joan Crawford-ish" when it comes to inline styles: No! Inline 
Styles! Ever!
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