Darren Best wrote:
> My biggest headache is at http://www.unemployedhelp.on.ca/vrc/index.html.  I
> wanted to make the h3 headers have a 46x46 px graphic on the left, then
> position the text of the "h3"s to the immediate right of their respective
> graphics.  In Firefox, it works.  In IE6, of course, it doesn't.  The
> graphics show up in the right place, but the "h3"s get knocked down to the
> bottom of the page.

Hi Darren,

Beginning on lines 87 (ish), you have these elements:
#vrcResumes H3 SPAN
#vrcCoverLetters H3 SPAN
#vrcInterviews H3 SPAN

Removing the "position:absolute" from those elements and replacing it 
with "display:block" should help, if not fix the issue.

Let me know how you get on.

--Bill Brown
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