Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

> On Apr 16, 2008, at 12:55 AM, Alan Gresley wrote:
>> Gecko 1.7~1.8 and IE7 will show this behavior when a child element is
>> floated right inside a parent element floated either left or right.
>> < 
> Gecko 1.9, WebKit and Opera 9. display the same, except for Example  
> 4a, which is a known bug in Gecko [1]. Gecko1.8 (Fx2) is dfferent, but  
> it all boils down to one and the same bug, where auto width -  
> preferred min-size is miscomputed when float right is involved (the  
> second row of the Acid2 test, for those obsessed with that test).
> [1] <>
> Philippe
> ---
> Philippe Wittenbergh

You say they that Gecko 1.9, WebKit and Opera 9 show the same. This has 
me wondering. Is this just on Mac? I have this screenshot showing from 
the top, Safrai 3.1, Gecko 1.9, Opera 9.5 and IE8 on Windows.


In Safari and Gecko the text nodes appear above the inner floats where 
Opera and IE8 the text nodes appear beside the inner floats. Is this the 
same on Mac?


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