Maybe I should be putting the gif in the background?

This looks sort of like what I am after:

 ---   do you think this is the best approach and will be stable across 
Basically I just added some padding and text alignment on the heading 
and tagline and put the image in the background with a little background 
positioning and padding.

#masthead .content {
    padding: 40px 120px;
    text-align: left;

#masthead {
    padding: 10px;
    background-image: url(../Images/pawn_anm2.gif) ;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 10px;

Robert Lane wrote:
> My example page is at:
> I seem to be a bit rusty here and am struggling with positioning an 
> image and some text in the mast head.
> I have a div named masthead.  A div within that named content.  In the 
> content div I want an image (yes I hate animated gifs too!) to the 
> left side of the masthead.  Then I would like the Main Heading <h1> 
> LeChess Club</h1> followed by the tag line of <p>A Society for Better 
> Chess </p>
> So basically ---     Image    ---   Heading
>                                             tag line
> I may want to be able to play with the padding around the image for 
> best placement, But I want both lines of text to line up to the right 
> of the image rather than below it.
> What is generally the best and/or easiest way to do this?  Do I need 
> to use position, float, or what?
> The Html is as follows:   ( I have tried the image both in the H1 tag 
> and before the H1 tag. )
> <div id="masthead">
>  <div class="content">    <h1> <img id="mast_img" 
> src="../Images/pawn_anm2.gif" alt="LeChess Club, A Society for Better 
> Chess" />
>      LeChess Club</h1>
>    <p>A Society for Better Chess </p>
>  </div>
> </div>
> The CSS that seems to effect things in this div is:
> #masthead {
>    color: #f4a460;
>    background-color: #d2eff7;
>    padding: 0px;
>    margin: 0 0 36px 0;
> }
> #mast_img {display: block;
>     border: 1px solid red;}
> #masthead .content {
>    padding: 10px 20px;
>    font-size: .8em;
>    letter-spacing: .5em;
> }
> Thanks for any suggestions!

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