Hello all,
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give with my CSS problem:

I am in the process of building a new site which uses several  
different link styles/colors. Fo some reason in IE and Safari, the  
top right navigation [Home | News | Contact Us | Join] seems to be  
taking on the attributes of a different VISITED LINK style than it  
"should" be (#header a:link, a:visited). The visited link color  
"should" be black, instead it's coming out white, which can't be read  
against the page background.

The site is posted here: <http://www.sportshumanitarian.com/ 
and the css file is here: <http://www.sportshumanitarian.com/ 

If someone could please take a look at the code and give me some  
pointers as  to what I need to change to make it work in IE6/IE7/ 
SAFARI I would
really appreciate the help. I've tried everything I can think of, and  
am out of ideas....

-- Heidi 
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