On Thu, 15 May 2008 16:32:54 -0700, corey deep wrote:
> Hello,
> I have used hack for ie6 :
> div.someclass {
> width: 300px;
> * width: 320px;
> }
> which is it is different than the standard star selector hack, i.e.
> * html div.someclass {
> width: 320px;
> }
> what is the first example called  ? is  it  an improper interpretation of the 
> star
> selector hack. I want to know if I should use it ?


I think you meant to show the star next to the "width" property name, no?
No space between.

It is a true hack, as property names do not begin with a star. IE 5 - 7
ignore the star, and apply a width of 320px. Other browsers correctly
ignore that declaration and apply a width of 300px.

The star selector or Tan hack (example 2) does not apply to IE 7.

FWIW - you can also target IE 5 - 6 and leave IE 7 alone by using an
underscore instead of a star.

It seems to be popular. I use it as a quick fix while debugging.

Don't know what it's called, though.


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