* Rick Lecoat wrote:
>I've just solved a problem on a page, but I don't understand why the  
>solution works, and that bugs me, so I wonder if someone kind could  
>fill in the blanks for me?
>Page in question: http://www.sandbox.sharkattack.co.uk/tempo/index.php

>Parse error - Unrecognized  */ #sidebar { font-size: 0.8em; line- 
>height: 1.5; }

Yes, you have a "*/" immediately preceding the "SIDEBAR" section. Since
there is no comment open at that point, the two characters are handled
as if they are part of the next selector, and 

  * / #sidebar { ... }

is not a valid selector at the moment. If you remove the */ the sheet
should validate and both rules should work.
Björn Höhrmann · mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] · http://bjoern.hoehrmann.de
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