Matt Tibbits wrote:
> Yes, it should. In FF though, if the content doesn't go all the way to the
> bottom of the window, it interprets bottom right as being the bottom right
> of the content INSTEAD of the bottom right of the browser window...
>> Not sure if I understand what you want. The background-image should
>> always be at the bottom right corner of the window ? No matter how
>> much content or how tall the window is?
>> body {background: #ccc url(../path/to/image.png) no-repeat 100% 100%
>> fixed;}
>> out to do just that.

Actually, it wouldn't. You're running XHTML Strict. In Strict mode, the
body sizes differently, hence the need for the 100% on the html element.

I'm not sure what you mean when you say it doesn't "stop when it reaches
the TOP of the view port." You have the image set not to repeat. If you
want it to stay in place, adding fixed to the rules for the background
image would do that, right?

It's hard to see exactly what the problem is. I'm 78% colorblind, so I
can only barely see the image in the background to begin with.

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