> Steve,
> Can you post a link to a live page? 
> Also, the issue -- whatever the solution might be -- is not a 
> CSS issue as far as I can see. It is an issue with 
> JavaScript/DHTML in response to passive events (mouseover as 
> opposed to enter, focus, blur, click, etc.). 
> ...Rob E.

It is indeed a JavaScript problem, but let me reply with a tip that applies
equally well to CSS (even if many list members already know about it).

Steve, it sounds like you may not have tried loading your page with Firebug.
It would have told you about the JavaScript syntax error in your code.

In Firefox, open the Tools/Add-ons panel and follow the Get Extensions link
at the bottom. Search for "firebug" and you can install it.

While you're there, also search for "web developer toolbar" and install that
extension as well. Firebug and the Web Developer Toolbar are essential tools
for CSS and JavaScrpt developers.

Also, it's possible to simplify the JavaScript code quite a bit, but that is
indeed a topic for a different list. :-) If you're interested, check out
jQuery - it makes it so easy to write that kind of code. I'll see you over
on the jQuery list...


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