Tim Offenstein wrote:
> I posted a note a few weeks back but didn't get any takers. I'm still 
> banging my head against the same wall. I hope someone can offer a 
> suggestion or two to try.
> I've created a drop down menu using only CSS that's a couple levels 
> deep. You can see it here: http://falling-leaf-productions.com/uif. 
> IE7 has a weird bug that causes the sub menus to reappear empty. For 
> instance if you hover over Search/Records/Box and then mouse out, the 
> next time you hover over Search, the sub-menus jump up but are empty. 
> I'm using two stylesheets, one with a left hand nav, the other 
> without but both are identical in terms of the horizontal nav. I 
> tried zoom:1 thinking it would force IE7 to redraw but no such luck. 
> I'm open to any and all suggestions.
> Thanks for your time and help.
> -Tim


In your UIF-menuStyles-vertNav.css file, you're feeding IE7 (all
browsers, in fact) the csshover2.htc file.

Most browsers will ignore this, but IE7 supports both :hover and
behavior. My guess is that if you move this file into your
IE-override.css file, you'll see this problem vanish in IE7.

Hope that helps.

 * Bill Brown
 * TheHolierGrail.com & MacNimble.com
 * From dot concept...to dot com...since 1999.
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