Webmaster wrote:
> URL: http://www.tusculum.edu/adult/ndblue.html CSS:
> http://www.tusculum.edu/css/ndblue.css
> I've got a problem with IE6 I cannot solve. There's a gap at the top
> of the page that I need to fix, and I don't know if the problem lies
> in the markup for the DIV or in the size of the image or if it is
> something else. If you visit the page in IE6, you'll immediately see
> the problem. The background image seems to clip out and the
> background color comes through.  I've been able to solve a few other
> problems with the page, but I need to bother the list for help with
> this. I'm in over my head :) I appreciate any help anyone can
> provide. Thanks.

Hi Travis,

It seems you must have a span being generated by javascript within the
#before-top-links block (perhaps for IE lte 6 only). Try changing your
<span> to a <div> inside that block and see if that doesn't clear things
up for you.

Something like this:
#before-top-links div {
background-position:top right;

Another option would be to set a class/id on the nested <span> helper
element and reference it in the style sheet by class or id.

Hope it helps.

 * Bill Brown
 * TheHolierGrail.com & MacNimble.com
 * From dot concept...to dot com...since 1999.
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