----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <css-d@lists.css-discuss.org>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] Background graphic on {body}

> The gap is still there.
> http://www.walkfar.ca/test/productionsite7.html
> Holly Bergevin wrote:
>> From: Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> I removed the negative top margin from .aboutmepara and put it to "0"
>>> the space is still there.
>>> Holly Bergevin wrote:
>>>> From: Christopher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> If #flashbarelementstwo is causing the extra spacing can that not be
>>>>> removed so that the background image on the body won't have that 
>>>>> space?
>>>>>>>> http://www.walkfar.ca/test/productionsite6.html
>>>> If you remove the negative top margins on #topbar and .aboutmeheader, 
>>>> the space will disappear. However, your positioning will not be what 
>>>> you want.
>>>> If you also remove the negative top margin from .aboutmepara, things 
>>>> come back into shape.
>>>> By the way, negative padding does not exist. Also, there is no real 
>>>> point in declaring default values on properties that aren't "in play" 
>>>> on an element. For example, unless you have previously told all divs to 
>>>> float: left (or right), declaring float: none; for a div is simply an 
>>>> added bit of code that can add to confusion. The same goes for border 
>>>> properties on elements that don't have default borders.
>>>> There are other things in your CSS that you might consider removing or 
>>>> at least simplifying by using shorthand properties. Then perhaps you 
>>>> can see what is causing what.
>> Christopher,
>> I suggest you reread what I wrote. There are two negative top margins 
>> that you'd need to remove to get rid of the space. You didn't remove 
>> either of those, according to what you stated, but instead just removed 
>> the negative top margin on the paragraph that would allow it to go back 
>> into place after removing the other two top margins.
>> You have a very "fragile" setup when tiny things like this can throw your 
>> layout off. You might want to consider starting over.
>> ~holly
>> please bottom post.
> -- 
> *Christopher* - the creative sheep
> *animator*///motion graphics artist/\\*web dev*
> web: www.walkfar.ca <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> email:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://www.walkfar.ca/>



You have 8 CSS errors, all due to declaring negative values for padding and 
border width. Fix those to start.

And for the sake of the list sanity and etiquette, PLEASE BOTTOM POST!!!


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