On 30 Jul 2008, at 18:06, David Laakso wrote:
> Bambi Vincent wrote:
>> each
>> paragraph in which an image is attached gets its line-spacing
>> tightened.
>> http://bobarno.com/thiefhunters/2008/07/russian-rip-off-part-5/
>> You'll see it in the first paragraph.
> "Live" adjustment in Mac FF/3.0.1. Try it. Check it cross-browser.
> .wp-caption img {
>     margin: 0;
>     padding: 0 0 10px 0; <--- was padding:0;
>     border: 0 none;
> }

Lots of HTML validation errors too:

'Line 179, Column 15: end tag for element "p" which is not open'

for example.


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