On 8 Aug 2008, at 19:49, CSSHelp wrote:

> CSS background issue, I think.  Has to do with cacheing possibly?
> I created a shopping cart using an animated gif as the background.   
> Here is
> the website :
> http://www.universalfulllacewigs.com/
> Now it works fine except for the product page, when I click on the  
> product
> page, the background doesn't load until I hit f5.  Here is the  
> product page:
> http://www.universalfulllacewigs.com/product.asp?pid=35
> Has anyone encountered such a thing?  It works for every page  
> except the
> product page.

Please accept the following for the serious observation it's intended  
to be.

I'm unable to tolerate looking at this site for more than a few  
seconds due to feelings of nausea caused by the constant throbbing  
movement of the animation. I'm not usually susceptible to motion  
sickness so it's likely that many visitors to the site could be  
similarly affected. The effect risks distracting attention from the  
site content.

Also, on Mac browsers I'm seeing a marked sluggishness with jerky  
scrolling and page resizing.


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