Nancy Johnson wrote:

> I am converting a site with an older doctype to xhtml strict,

That's usually non-constructive and much more trickier than people think. To 
begin with, an old site very often relies on Quirks Mode features, which 
means that you have an unknown but large number of problems and pitfalls to 
consider _just_ because you would use an XHTML (or HTML 4.01) compliant 
doctype declaration. I strongly recommend considering _why_ you would do 
that - and to do something else instead, like designing new or completely 
renewed sites.

> Throughout the older site I have always used for a rule: <hr size=1
> noshade> Although <hr size=1 noshade> seems to view  correctly in all
> browsers
> that we support using xhtml strict doesn't validate.


> I also tried this version and which also seems to view correctly, but
> doesn't validate
> <hr noshade="noshade" size="1px" />

There's no real change except that this is just wrong: it violates HTML 
specifications, whereas the existing tag complies with HTML 4.01. Adding 
"px" to the size attribute value helps nothing: it is incorrect (though 
valid!), and the markup "works" just because browsers ignore letters after 
the number.

> Adding height: 1px to css; seems to view correctly in IE browsers, but
> not correctly in mozilla or chrome.
> and you lose the noshade

The behavior of <hr> is not well-defined and not necessarily describable in 
CSS. But the following probably imitates the rendering of <hr size=1 
noshade> well enough:

<hr style="height: 1px; border: none; color: gray; background: gray;">

> Borders instead of hr would only work in a few cases.

I was just about to suggest the use of a border for a content element 
instead of <hr> (though possibly with <hr style="display:none"> as a backup, 
for non-CSS rendering). What's the problem with that approach?

If you don't have a content element to attach the border to (though why 
would you use a horizontal line then?), you could set it for a dummy, empty 

<div style="border-top: solid gray 1px"></div>


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