On Oct 17, 2008, at 8:24 AM, Dave Pierce wrote:

> Aforementioned client got in touch, and a web site they have has
> gotten messed up somehow, and nobody knows why...including me.
> The HTML is good, except in the Flash insert section, and the CSS is
> OK too, except where there's no colors given, or they are set for
> "transparent". Not my problem, in this case, let their graphics guy
> handle it.
> The problem is that the three lists at the bottom don't line up in
> Safari. They DO line up in Firefox and Opera. Haven't checked 'em in
> IE versions yet.
> Anyone out there see what may be going on?
> http://www.lorettoheritage.org/

This is causing the problem
*html #left p, #right p, #main p {padding-top: 1em;}

Safari, up to v3.1 parses the above as
* html #left p, #right p, #main p {}
(Note the space between the * and html).
It then applies the padding on #right p, #main p.

That parse error is apparently corrected in recent WebKit nightly builds

Other browsers ignore the whole selector, *html not being part of the  
namespace used.

No idea what your intention is with that selector, probably some sort  
of hack.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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