On Oct 18, 2008, at 1:52 AM, Dave Pierce wrote:

>> *html #left p, #right p, #main p {padding-top: 1em;}
>> ...
> ...
> Yeah, that was the Tan hack from a-way back

The Tan hack:
* html selector {}

What you had in your stylesheet:

*html selector {}

Note the lack of a space between the * (universal selector) and the  
html in what you use(d).

The difference is very important. *html is just a bogus selector (an  
element that does not exist), * html selects an html element, child of  
any other element (equally bogus within the html world, as the html  
element is the root of the document and doesn't have any parent,  
although IE 6, and IE 7,8 in Quirks mode, thinks there is one).

Philippe Wittenbergh

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