>>> At what resolution are you comparing font sizes?

1280x1024 on a 20 inch laptop
Firefox 3.0.3

> At 96dpi Firefox has slightly larger font size than IE, probably because
> of different font-size rounding - +/- 1px difference. Hitting the
> middle-ground is easy enough on 96dpi, but not relevant if resolution is
> 120dpi.
> Don't think Firefox compensates - changes to larger base for font-size -
> on 120dpi, but IE does.

Good point.  Yes that seems to be the case.  One thing we do in these
situations, is create a detection script for each main browser.  If you want
to get detailed, this is how you can control it, with multiple browsers.

> Browsers are at different stages for how to handle resolution-induced
> problems and differences, so any solution _we_ introduce now is likely
> to break as new browser-versions arrive.

What we do is just update the style sheet then for new browser releases.
Its not too hard.  Depends on how detailed you want to be.

Kelly Sigethy - Frynge.com
Web Design - Hosting - Advertising
1-403-251-9486 (Calgary)
1-866-331-9684 (Toll Free - Canada and the USA)
+44 (0)8717 206 505 (United Kingdom)

Kelly Sigethy - Frynge.com
Web Design - Hosting - Advertising
1-403-251-9486 (Calgary)
1-866-331-9684 (Toll Free - Canada and the USA)
+44 (0)8717 206 505 (United Kingdom)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gunlaug Sørtun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Frynge Customer Support" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Ed Pybus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "CSS-D" <css-d@lists.css-discuss.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2008 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] site check

>>> http://www.slrecords.net/new.php
> Frynge Customer Support wrote:
>> Fix your style sheets for firefox, the fonts display quite a bit smaller 
>> for that browser.
> At what resolution are you comparing font sizes?
> At 96dpi Firefox has slightly larger font size than IE, probably because
> of different font-size rounding - +/- 1px difference. Hitting the
> middle-ground is easy enough on 96dpi, but not relevant if resolution is
> 120dpi.
> Don't think Firefox compensates - changes to larger base for font-size -
> on 120dpi, but IE does.
>> You can set a detection script to detect firefox or msie and have a style 
>> sheet for both
> Serving browsers different stylesheets is likely to create more problems
> than it solves.
> Browsers are at different stages for how to handle resolution-induced
> problems and differences, so any solution _we_ introduce now is likely
> to break as new browser-versions arrive.
> We ma have to split between resolutions - one way or another, and
> perform extensive cross-browser testing on all resolutions.
> CSS mediaqueries may solve such resolution-dependent cases, but I don't
> think Gecko supports those yet. Any news on that?
> IE doesn't support mediaqueries, and it will only work if we can also
> affect the browser's base for font-size - which isn't such a good idea 
> IMO.
> Conclusion: better leave font-size more or less as is - for all
> browsers, for now.
> regards
> Georg
> -- 
> http://www.gunlaug.no 

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