ray wrote:
> Yeah, that's a solution but not perfect. Because this rule-set is 
> comprised of two parts - the normal one and the IE-mac fix. You have 
> to remember to add the new selector to every part.

Tough :-)

Well, if your "easyclearing" works in IE7 in standards mode, you won't
need the second part since a 'hasLayout' trigger is already present.
That old and obsolete "IE6 and older win-versions but not IE/Mac" hack
doesn't work in IE7, so the 'hasLayout' trigger has to come from
somewhere else. Any 'hasLayout' trigger will do, and not all of them
disturb IE/Mac.

Think you should check latest "easyclearing" update...
...and also check all alternatives.

FWIW: I still prefer an "easyclearing" variant in many cases, but I
write it slightly different...

element:after {
content: ".";
display: block;
height: 0;
clear: both;
overflow: hidden;

...after having seen what IE8b1 did when served the original. Doesn't
make any difference in the good browsers, and probably won't in IE8
final either.

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