Doug Jolley wrote:

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>> The line box is an anonymous inline element
> OK.  I get that and thanks for clarifying that point.
> However, I'm still confused about how vertical-align:middle works.  I
> followed the "line height calculations" link in your link [1].  There
> I found a rather amazing thing.  I found (in step 2) that vertical
> alignment is used in the determination of the line height.  IOW,
> elements are vertically aligned *BEFORE* the line height is determined
> and as a part of the procedure for determining the line height. Based
> on that, I would conclude that line height can not be a factor in
> determining vertical alignment.  Now I'm really confused.
> However, you did clarify how a line box can be an element.  Thanks.  I
> appreciate that clarification.
>           ... doug

Your welcome Doug,

I am always discovering new things with CSS and coding. Your confusion 
prompted me to do a test case so I could understand and hopefully 
explain what the specs are suggesting. :-)


Test 1 and 3 with vertical-align:middle does indicate that the line box 
line-height [1] is calculated after the vertical alignment is calculated.

[1] <>


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