Patrik Jansson wrote:
> Thanks! Yes, your fix solved it (at least in IE7), I hadn't heard of
> the zoom-attribute before.. Could someone check e.g.
> on IE6 and tell if the
> the big images are aligned with the top of the thumbnails like in FF,
> Safari and IE7?

I think they are aligned as desired, but in IE6 your hover is not working.
You have used a child selector (like in '.gallery a:hover > img.big') which
IE6 doesn't support. I believe you can get rid of it (just use a simple
descendant selector). Then maybe IE6 still needs other minor corrections
(like having an hover on the simple 'a' as well), I haven't tested.

> "In IE relative containers need hasLayout otherwise they misbehave in
> many different ways"
> Any chance you could clarify this a bit?

Relative containers without hasLayout may create positioning problems to
absolutely positioned descendants. The hasLayout article that I mentioned
[1] has links to pages describing some other problems.

> It seems that it's necessary to set one layout-attribute to all relative
> containers?

Usually I do that. But I'm sure that opinions are different here. HasLayout
may create problems as well as solving some of them.

> I tried setting a width to the .gallery -div and also
> that solved the problem. Is there any specific reason you suggested
> to set the zoom- and z-index -attributes to it?

Yes, width triggers hasLayout, so it has the same effect as zoom. I prefer
zoom, since it is sort of 'neutral' and it immediately recalls that it is a
sort of hack. Again opinions here vary much. The hasLayout article (and
linked pages) is a source of further information.

> thanks for your help,
> --patrik

You're welcolme. Sorry if I'm a bit concise, hasLayout problems in IE are a
long and winding matter :-)



Bruno Fassino

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