I'm not sure I understand the specification here, so maybe someone else 
helps me with answering your questions.

ray wrote:...
> 1.  I think the container box of the <img> element is the parent 
> block-level element of <a> right?

both the inline-box of <a> and the inline-box of its descendant <img> 
live in the same containing block, a rectangle that is established by 
the nearest block level element (in this case probably <body>). The line 
box build by the inline boxes starts at the top of this containing block.

> 2. Because the inline box generated by <a> is the only inline box of its 
> line box, so the baseline of the line box is also the baseline of the 
> <a> inline box, so the <img> inline box is aligned with baseline of the 
> <a> element,  right?

I think yes.

> 3. Because the <img> resides in the <a> element, so the <img> inline box 
> is contained within the <a> inline box and the width of the <img> inline 
> box becomes the width of the <a> inline box?

The width? The width of the construct is determined by the width of the 
image. The inline box of <a> stretches to fit this width. If the width 
is wider than the width of the containing block, the line box may 
overflow the containing block.

> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 4:36 AM, Ingo Chao <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>         <a style="font-size:150px;" href="#"><img style="height:20px;"
>         src="foo.jpg"
>         /></a>
>     The initial value for vertical-align, baseline, applies. It affects
>     the inline level elements in a line box. Therefore, the image, being
>     inline by default, should align with the baseline of the parent
>     <a>-element.
>     CSS 2.1: 9.4.2 Inline formatting context;
>     CSS 2.1: 10.8 Line height calculations: the 'line-height' and
>     'vertical-align' properties.
>     The absolute vertical position of the baseline depends on the font
>     metrics.

regards, Ingo

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