> That helped a great deal. I'm 78% colorblind and was actually having a 
> hard time seeing the hrs unless my monitor was tilted just right. I 
> didn't mean to imply there was anything wrong with the footer -- it was 
> the only hr I could see. ;-)
> Setting display:inline-block as David suggested fixes the hr on my 
> Firefox/Ubuntu system, but now Chrome/XP and IE7/XP are having trouble. 
> I'll have a look at it in the morning and see if there's something to be 
> done about it.
> --Bill

Bill - I am going to mention your problem seeing hrs to my client. Given 
that he specializes in making things easier for people with disabilities 
he should really know!

on the other hand, they do create a big space that opens up the 
different sections, even if you can't see them. I think. Do you think so?

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