-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of >Carla Bruni
>Sent: domingo, 30 de Novembro de 2008 16:32
>To: css-d@lists.css-discuss.org
>Subject: [css-d] Can we create a newsletter in CSS

>I  might be a bit late with my post. 
>I think the best information about newsletters you can get by
>subscribing and observing letter from the respectful companies of the
similar business.
>The safest is hybrid layout, the tabled one.
>I saw that lots of companies are just slicing pictures with text and it
looks good,readable and nice.
>The chose should depend on what business you are in, what is more important
in your newsletters 
>the actual text(information) or the product display(pictures).
>It reminds me of a book " Pattern Recognition"

Thanks a lot. I'm still struggling with... well... the newsletter system.
(after give up from phplist and the encoding issues, I'm now trying to use
poMMo btw) :s 

So, I'm not even on the layout part so... yes, it's on time. The image
should be important, not the product image (it will have agriculture
products so, they don't sell "by pretty") but the company image is
important. Since I was on my way to learn CSS I'm feeling this table
approach always like a drawback... but I know I know... we cannot control
the internet... :s

I will take a look of how other companies send they newsletters. That was a
good tip that I forgot. 



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