2008/12/7 Leyrson Kroska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi, the default value of z-index for all elements is 0, try z-index:-1;

I had already adjusted the z-index of the main content areas to 200 and the
background elements to 5, however the problem was I hadn't adjusted the main
container. Changing #outer to z-index: 200; did the trick.

> To your menu change the float:left; of <a></a> tag to <li></li>
Awesome, that fixed it :)

> -
> Sorry for my bad english .. :)

Don't be, you're trying to help thats what counts :o)

> -
> tips to IE6: transparent .png need one fix .. search in the google for png
> fix but here some links:
> Thanks, I was aware of this and know how to get round it.

> Regards,
> Leyrson


PS Sorry for hijacking another thread subject, I hadn't actually read the
thread titled "IE7, z-index and absolute positioning" before sending this
message but I'd scanned the list so it was obviously in my sub-conscious!
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