u24y...@gmail.com wrote:

Once you have cleaned up the source-code - as has already been pointed
at - you can look for solutions to the more CSS related problems.

> The only problem is with explorer  with the footer. I have 2 images 
> with a single line of text between the images, all centered The 2 
> images are about 2 inches below the line of text?

Delete the 'vertical-align: -25%;' you have on those images. IE/Mac
can't handle it as intended - see below.

> On a PC, no problem with any of the other browsers except explorer 7.
>  This time the images are in their proper position in the footer, but
>  the text below which is in a smaller size, isn't lining up to 
> centre, but the images are?

I'm not sure how you want those images to line up with the text, but I
suggest you try 'vertical-align: middle;'. Will align text/images the
same in all browsers, I think, and even IE/Mac can handle that style.

> The really big concern is the side navigating  bar image and the css 
> text is being pushed about 3 inches toward the centre which destroys 
> the whole lay-out on the page. This is only happening on a pc using 
> explorier 7.
> I'm wondering what explorer bugs am I encountering and what hacks I 
> need to write in.

Somewhat wrong approach.

1: an element can either be absolute positioned or floated - not both,
since absolute positioned elements can't float.

2: if you choose absolute positioning for the #sidebar1, then you also
have to declare 'left: 0;' on it as IE/win will otherwise not know where
to position that element and places it "where it falls".

I suggest you float #sidebar1, like in my example below.

> The other problem that I have with all browsers on both mac & pc is 
> that the Image behind the navigation bar doesn't repeat as the main 
> body text increases in size. I have it set to repeat on the y axes.

The height of #sidebar1 is unaffected by the height of other elements,
and background can't go outside its own element.
For solutions: google for "faux columns", or apply "Equal Height Columns"...
...as I have in the example below.

> I've read that explorer doesn't like padding so I've stayed away from
>  using any at all.

Only true for IE in quirks mode - related to IE's proprietary box model.
IE6 and later versions are in standards mode for your page, and
therefore use the W3C box model same as all other browsers.

> http://www.drbjornsauto.com/index_01.html

Example that'll render the same in all browsers:
...all major CSS corrections / additions here...
Not intended for copy and paste.

I have removed all unnecessary relative and absolute positioning from
the CSS, and also all superfluous <br /> and <p>nbsp;</p> from the
source-code in this example.

(The source-code is clean apart from that I have butchered some of your
UTF-8 coding. It didn't play well with my editor's default settings and
I didn't bother to change settings...


I have also partially ignored IE/Mac, since that old bugger will need
special treatment the way I have styled my example :-) )

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