Anne McKinsey wrote:

> Thanks very much for your quick reply. Your fix has corrected the 
> page in IE6 and it looks fine in all browsers except Firefox on PC 
> (Firefox on mac is fine). In Firefox PC the entire main content is 
> pushed over to the very edge of the browser window with about 200 px 
> of space to the left--between it and the sidebar. Any suggestions?

Yes, apply the CSS code I sent - verbatim - to target IE only, and don't
add those values to the regular #maincontent selector.

This what it should look like in your stylesheet...

* html #maincontent {
    width: 590px;
    widt\h: 500px;
    overflow-x: hidden;

...with the '* html' preselector for targeting IE only.
Without that preselector you'll be messing up for poor Firefox 2.

> Gee, what is the widt\h property?

A hack to feed the width-value only to IE version 6. Only working as
intended when using the IE targeting selector...

* html #maincontent { /*IE-garbage here*/ }

> One more question for you or anyone who can answer: the HTML 
> validator turns up about a dozen errors in the flash code. I used 
> Flash 9 to create this file; any ideas on how to clean-up code that 
> Flash creates?

Search for the term "valid flash".

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