Merry Christmas to all.  This is a great group with many smart, helpful


I am retooling an old site.  The site was done many years ago and is full of
table callouts and dated HTML coding.  The site uses drop down menus
triggered by an image map.  The pages of the site are all left justified.  I
want to use CSS positioning and I want to center the pages.  The current
site can be viewed at


I have set everything up and it looks OK except I can't get the drop down
menus to show up on top of the content.  I changed the z-index of the drop
downs to a higher value than the z-index of the content below.  This doesn't
seem to matter.  The main page (conceptual, I'm not yet done!  I know the
color choice sucks!) is located at The style sheet can be
viewed at


How do I get the menus to show up over the content?  Any help would be
appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

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