I fear this may not be possible, but I'd like to have a nested UL display
such that the child elements are displayed alongside their parents.





                                    <li>10:30 am</li>

                                    <li>2:00 pm</li>




                                    <li>7:30 pm</li>




Should display like this:


Sunday             10:30 am

                        2:00 pm


Monday             7:30 pm


.the key being the horizontal alignment of the first child with its parent.


I want to use the UL's because I think this is the best semantically correct
way to mark-up the information.


I can kind of get it close with negative margins, but I don't know how to
make them exactly aligned-especially when the body text size is changed.


Here is a link to a working-copy of the code:


Thanks in advance for your help!





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