How important is it for a site to look exactly the same in different
browsers? I¹m using some browser specific css so it looks different in those
browsers then in IE. IE doesn¹t look bad and still functions ok it just is a
little different. I¹m using rounded boxes because another of our sites round
their boxes with images. I do not want to use images just css. (my org.
boxes were square anyway cause I like them like that and I am a bit peeved
to change them to conform to someone else's crappy design)

So do you think it would be ok to get away with this meeting in the middle?
I figure most customers who look at the site on IE will always look at it on
IE and the same goes for other browsers and it is a minor thing. The layout
on the info will still be in the same place and if they are that intet on
the style of the navigation then it probably isn¹t a good style to begin

Any opinions?

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