On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:40:57 -0800 (PST), Emily Songster wrote:
> The logo is supposed to be flush top, along with the main navigation. But it 
> drops down
> below the navigation in IE6&7. It works fine in Safari and Firefox.

Seems to be a "hasLayout" problem, making the #logo clear the floats
on the #mainnav. Deleting the "width" declaration from the #logo seems
to fix it my end.

> Random(?) white gaps in the bottoms of the second & third columns of the 
> subpages,
> showing up only in IE6&7 and Safari. It works fine in Firefox.

Various gaps appear all over the page on all browsers here. Just try
altering the text-size in any browser to see what I mean.
Setting heights on major structural elements rarely works. Perhaps
you could try using "faux columns" to get the effect you are aiming
for? <http://www.alistapart.com/articles/fauxcolumns/>

> The site is located at: http://www.emspacedesign.com/index.html and the CSS 
> is below.

No need to send the CSS. We can get it from your web site via the link
you gave us. Thanks anyway.

FWIW - I am getting a strange display issue in IE 8 RC 1. The #mainnav
often shows only partially. (As "tact | Home".) It takes several refreshes
to get it to appear completely. (Running Win xp under VMware Fusion
on a Mac OS X laptop.) Dunno what that is about?


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