Wade Smart wrote:
> What I was thinking was doing a transparent effect on each row.
> .even {
>       background-color: #E0E0E0;
>       opacity:0.5;
>       filter: alpha(opacity=50);
>       }
> That didnt work so my question is - can this ONLY work on a image and
> now on a color?

One solution I've used to achieve something similar looks like this:

<style type="text/css">
   background: url(http://www.domain.tld/1px-999999-50.png);
   background: rgba(153,153,153,0.5);
<!--[if lt IE 7]><style type="text/css">
   background: transparent;
   filter:     progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(
   zoom:       1;

<div class='transparent-bg'>
     I can has transparent background?
     <a href='#home-menu'>Go Home</a>.

First, I set the background to a semi-transparent PNG [1]. Then, I 
immediately override that setting with one for an RGBA background. 
Browsers which recognize RGBA as a background-color setting will 
override the previous background setting and apply only the RGBA background.

IE7 supports PNGs (more or less) so we leave it alone here. IE6 does 
not, so we target it with conditional comments and use the proprietary 
gradient filter to allow just the background to be semi-transparent 
while leaving our text fully opaque. [2]

Anyway, hope it helps.

[1] data:uri images also work here,
     if the CSS for IE6 is extended to include IE7.
[2] The caveat to using (any) filter is that Windows removes the
     ClearType settings on blocks that use filtering, so your text
     will look a little blockier in the filtered element, though not
     in the children if I remember correctly.

  ! Bill Brown <macnim...@gmail.com>
  ! Web Developologist, WebDevelopedia.com
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