Good Evening;

If in your opinion this is off topic and you can help, please respond 
offlist otherwise respond onlist.
Please look at
In IE7 the "show video" link appears in the proper spot and expands as 
desired and in fact shows the video.
In FF the "show video" link appears in the proper spot and expands as 
desired and does not show the video.  This is what I would expect.

When code for showing the video is included all hell breaks loose.
In FF See
How do I prevent the text from sliding far down the page??

To show the video the following line is suggested by Camtasia.
Without this line there are no validation errors and everything behaves 
properly except there is no video in FF.

 <embed name="csSWF" src="prodline_logo_video2_controller.swf" width="500" 
height="430" bgcolor="#1a1a1a" quality="best" allowScriptAccess="always" 
allowFullScreen="true" scale="showall" 

This line creates 18 markup errors.
and it shoves the text which should follow the "show video" link  far down 
the page in FF.  Everything appears okay in IE7.  Can that be fixed with 

Can that embed line be replaced with CSS?

Is there another way to embed video in a web page?

If the text followed directly after the video, I might be tempted to ignore 
the errors.

Any pointers will be appreciated.


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