Konstantin said:
> Hello all!
> I'm preparing a print version of web page. I would like to 
> know how to make a page break, and whether all use 660px 
> width, or it can be automatic margins.

I don't know what browsers you need to target, but there is good support in the 
mainstream browsers, including IE7/8, for 'page-break-before: always' and 
'page-break-after: always'.  (Unfortunately, support for 'page-break-inside: 
avoid' is still poor.)  This should allow you to insert a page break as needed 
wrt block-level elements.

Opera and now IE8rc1 allow authors to set the page margin, e.g.:
        @page {
          margin: 1in .5in .5in;
Firefox is lagging on margin support, so there you get the UA default. Ditto 
for Chrome.

Support for specifying the page size and orientation is coming, but not yet 
ready for prime time...




Melinda S. Grant
Melinda Grant Consulting

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