>> Is this the correct syntax for the language declaration <span 
>> lang="fr">je ne sais quoi</span>
> Yes.
>> Does the language declaration has to be in a span? Is it possible to 
>> do it like this <span class="french">je ne sais quoi</span> and have a 
>> style on an external style sheet link
> Any element will do.
> In the stylesheet, target the element with span:lang(fr){/*styles*/} or
> whatever element you choose. A universal selector will also do, like
> *:lang(fr){/*styles*/}, as long as you make sure you target the document
> area you want, like for example #content *:lang(fr){/*styles*/}.
> Note that IE7 and older don't support :lang(). IE8 and others are fine.

One more question about this - if I have an image on the page and the 
text contained in the image is English, so it looks something like this

<img src="images/english.jpg" alt="some English text" />

should it read

<img src="images/english.jpg" lang="en" alt="some English text" />

so that the alt tag gets read with the right accent? or should the image 
get nested in a span?

<span lang="en"><img src="images/english.jpg" alt="some English text" 

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