On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Göldi <peter.goe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a weird problem here:
> A link is not clickable although it is a correct <a..> tag. On the
> same site in other position the same link works.There are some
> differences in styles (inherited from parent elements) but I don't see
> any reason not to activate the link.
> If I disable all css stylesheets (using IE Devtoolbar) the link works.
> And yes, it's only IE7 showing this issue, all other browsers I tested
> (Safari, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, even IE6) work as expected.
> Go to 
> http://www.sma-partner.ch/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=7&Itemid=38&lang=en
> to see the problem yourself.
> The Login-Link in the right column ('USER AREA') works, but not the
> Login-Link on the top left side (red background)
> thanks for any hints!
> -Peter

Hi Peter,

i can see that the login at the top left is overlapped by the div
#navigation while the the one in the user area is not.
you can achieve same result with:

#navigation {
margin:0 0 44px 0;

this will get your login link working in ie7.
let me know.

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