I saw a FAQ page where it listed a question followed by an answer as
follows (fictional question and answer below):

Q. How do I login?
A. You log in by clicking on the login link.

The HTML markup is an unordered list (ul), where the list (li) have
background images for the "Q." and "A."

ul.QandA li.Q {
        background:transparent url(../images/img_Q.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 2px;
        padding:0 0 0 20px;

ul.QandA li.A {
        background:transparent url(../images/img_A.gif) no-repeat scroll 0 2px;
        padding:0 0 16px 20px;

Does CSS2.1 allow a way to actually use "Q." and "A." as text?  Or
maybe a different markup (dl?) should be used?

I know the background image technique is well-known
(http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listutorial/introduction.htm), but since
in this example, it's just "Q" and "A", I was hoping there is a way
not to use images.

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