On 27 Mar 2009, at 10:39pm, Holly Bergevin wrote:

> From: Ian Piper <ianpi...@mac.com>
>> two photos on it that seem to be behaving peculiarly *only* in
>> IE6.
>> http://www.ruberyowen.com/rubery-owen-history.php
>> the photos are stretched vertically.
> Below is where the problem is coming from, I believe. Was this hack  
> applied for specific problems, or just on general principle? If it  
> was specific, you'll want to find another way to give these images  
> layout.

Thanks all for the answers to this. I should probably briefly explain  
how I got into this pickle. I am using a low-end CMS called WebYep for  
this site. It works pretty well most of the time but I found on this  
site I had a problem. The CMS uses a loop to allow the user to build  
complex pages by selecting one or more out of a set of optional page  
components. Unfortunately the components you *don't* choose end up on  
the page too, as empty divs. I realised that while the empty divs took  
up no space in most browsers, in IE the ones that normally contained  
images showed a minimum height (around 10px). It looked as though the  
only way to get them to zero height was to style their content img  
elements rather the divs themselves. I'm afraid the list of hacks sort  
of appeared along the way as I was trying to give the empty divs  
layout (which I thought was the source of the problem).

I will try to clean this up now - thanks for all the helpful  

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