Dave Sherohman wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 02:27:21PM -0600, Brian Hazelton wrote:
>> You can solve this quite easily. Figure out the right margin you need to
>> have it end to the left of the image... For example, if the image is
>> 200px and is flush with the right side of the content area, and you want
>> 10 px of whitespace between the image and the blockquote then add
>> margin-right:210px to the blockquote.
> This does not meet my definition of "flow around".
> When inline elements "flow around" another element, they leave space for
> it when it is present and fill that space when the other element is
> absent.  I'm trying to get block elements to "flow around" in the same
> manner (modulo the detail that block elements must have the same width
> over their entire height).

Hello Dave

This is simple done by this markup.

<p>text text text</p>

And giving this style to the blockquote.

blockquote {display:inline;}

Remember to state margins since the defaults are different in the 
various browsers.

Alan http://css-class.com/

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