Hi Tim and others,

Sorry I have not responded sooner, but have been away.

Thanks for the reply and helpful advice.

On 07/05/2009, at 10:49 AM, Tim Snadden wrote:

>> 1. Text content:
>> The text drops down below the image on the right instead of being
>> parallel to it. I'm sure I've seen something about this problem
>> before in one of my books, but I can't find it for the life of me.
> The IE web developer toolbar is pale imitation of firebug but can  
> be used to find out what is happening in IE. If you look you will  
> see that the <div class="hp_img"> is taking up with full width. You  
> could set a width on it, or do away with it altogether and just  
> position the image. I would absolutely position that image bottom  
> right so that even if the content grows he still looks right.
Thanks for that; that makes sense and works. I've downloaded the IE  
Web Developer toolbar too; that's great.

You're probably right about the absolute positioning. I see it moves  
when the window is narrowed. I'll give that a go.
>> 2. Stripes:
>> The gray stripes under the navigation bar at the top and the bottom
>> redish band at the bottom drops too low (the bottom one gets tangled
>> with the footer text.
> .stripes {
> background:transparent url(/images/hor-stripes_bgtop.gif) repeat-x  
> left bottom;
> clear:both;
> height:26px;
> }
This has fixed it.
> You don't need the image inside that div.
That's true, if I make the image longer than the widest screen. I'll  
look at that.  I take it that this is better practice?
> Give the footer layout (google hasLayout) and the stripes will  
> position correctly. One way is using the proprietary 'zoom: 1; '
Hmm. I'll have to do a bit of study here and see how all that works.  
I've heard about it, but this is the first time I've really had a  
problem of this sort. Will check it out. Thanks.
> By the way - It would look much nicer to anti-alias the violin on  
> the left. It looks quite jaggy against the menu bar. You could do  
> it as an alpha transparent PNG and it would look better to everyone  
> but IE6 users, and to them it would look no worse than it does  
> currently.
I did use a PNG image at first, but Fireworks gave it a black edge  
which only emphasised the problem. I've done the same in Photoshop,  
which doesn't give it the edge, but still gets the halo. I may just  
start again with the original image and see if I can improve it. Thanks.
> Cheers, Tim

Much appreciated,

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