Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
> Alan Gresley wrote:
>> If this is this bug
>> <> 
> Although dealing with vertical alignment of floats, our test case isn't
> revealing just one bug.
> Reordering the markup is the old solution, and it'll still work -
> if that's an option.
> Another option is to absolute position relevant elements, thus avoid old
> float-alignment bugs altogether.
> To return to what appears to be the original poster's case:
> <>
> ...a fix for older Geckos will make it appear like this...
> Page: <>
> CSS: <>
> Yes, it is backwards (hacking both old and new Gecko versions). I've
> also ignored very old Geckos completely.
> However, when dealing with a case that falls apart when subjected to the
> slightest amount of font resizing in any browser anyway, such a solution
> doesn't really add serious problems.

Interesting. The hack you have is.

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
:root>body #login_form label input {margin-top: -1.3em;}
#login_form label input { margin-top: 0;}

Does this hack separate Firefox 3.0.1 ~ 3.0.10 from Firefox 3.5b4? I can 
  not test. This part of the hack,


causes a parsing error. Is this fixed in Firefox 3.5b4? I must admit 
that your hackery (possibly combining structural pseudo class support 
and parsing errors) is hackier than mine. :-)

This is similar to a more recent test case on this list which I have 
hacked to target Gecko 1.9.


With this hack.

img:not([class*=""]) {margin-top:-1.3em; border-right: 4px solid red;} 
/* targeting Gecko 1.9 */

Does Firefox 3.5b4 now send those images above the text line? The same 
test case but with your hack.


I may learn a thing or two about CSS.

> The best solution is always to leave new browser versions alone - not
> hack them, but if that's not an option...
> regards
>     Georg

I would dare say to not hack something that is not present when the 
source is changed. Yes with IE this may be done but this is Gecko we are 
dealing with. Also this can cause confusion between these different bugs.



The former does not effect Safari. Both bugs have been fixed with 
Firefox 3.5b4? The later is still present in Safari.


Armies Cannot Stop An Idea Whose Time Has Come. - Victor Hugo
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