I've used CSS to style <hr/>s for a long time.  Here's an example from one of 
my sites

div#menu hr {
  width: 95%;
  height: 1px;
  border: 0;
  clear: both; /* puts the hr below floated content */
  margin: 0.625em auto; /* side margins set to auto centers the hr */
  color: #ddd;  /* set color in IE */
  background-color: #ddd;  /* set color in FF */

You could add "float: right" or "float: left" to get right or left alignment.  
Or "position: absolute;" and "left: xxx" to position it in an exact place.

The thing to remember when styling <hr> is that it is a block level element.  
This means it acts like a div or a paragraph by default.  "Text-align: left" 
will align whatever text is in the <hr> left.  But since it's an <hr>, it has 
no text.

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