David Auth wrote:
> Greetings, list!  I've just joined for some help with a specific
> problem.  Please see http://www.sihlusa.com/products/products.asp
> In short, what should I do to my style sheet to make sure that IE6
> renders this page closely enough to the others to become naviagable?
> The div on the left is totally invisible, making this page unusable.
> Also the copy is half-invisible, but I'm less worried about that.
> -David Auth

Hello David, IE6 does not like this style.

div { height:100%; }

IE6 needs this instead.

* html div { height:auto;}

That will fix IE6 in a large part but you may want to question why you 
have a style for all divs with a height of 100%. It's very easy to bug 
IE6 out, partially since your code is rendering in quirks mode (just 
like IE5) due to the XML prolog.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This changes things since you have to adjust widths etc due to the old 
IE box model.


This should fix IE6.

* html #contentleft {width:600px;text-align:left; }

Please note that text-align will wrongly affects block elements (divs 
etc) in IE7 and below.

BTW, why do you have position:relative and z-index everywhere. I would 
suggest as a learning experience to remove some styles. Especially all 
of this fro starters.

div   { height:100%; display:table;  vertical-align:top; 
background-repeat:no-repeat; border:none; margin:0px; padding:0px; 
text-align:center; }

Alan http://css-class.com/

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