I am looking to create a centered two column layout with fixed-width  
which has a background image

I am using a container div around a floating and non-floating div

My problem is that if I define the background image on the container  
div and have it repeat vertically, it only repeats according to the  
height of the non-floating div and if the floating div is longer than  
the non-floating div, the background stops in the middle of the page!

Sometimes the left column may be longer, sometimes the right column  
may be longer. How can I ensure that the background image will  
continue for the length of the page?

Here is a mock-up of my code.

CSS is:
#wrapper {
      background:url(images/template/main-background.jpg) repeat-y;
      margin-left: auto;
      margin-right: auto;
#content-body {
      margin-left: 35px;
      width: 620px;
#sidebar        {
      width: 280px;
      padding-top: .5em;
      padding-bottom: .5em;

HTML is:
<div wrapper>
  <div id="sidebar">
  </div id="sidebar">

  <div id="content-body">
  </div id="content-body">

</div wrapper>

P.S. I have also tried adding a footer with clear:both after the  
content-body div within the wrapper. It appears correctly, but the  
background on the wrapper still stops with the non-floating column.

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