
I'm having real problems with a layout in....you guessed it...IE.

It's a fixed-width, 3-column layout using floats, with a div that fills 100% of 
the width of the browser window and  is fixed to the bottom of the browser 
window with the content scrolling underneath. 

I've got it working fine in Firefox (PC, Mac), and Safari (Mac), but for the 
life of me can't get it to work in IE.

IE6 is doing strange things, surprise, surprise! The vertical scroll bar is 
going mad when you resize the browser window, and disappears completely if you 
make a very small window,  and it's not coping with the repeated background 
image in the fixed #potsfooter div. I've already sacrificed the repeated opaque 
png backgrounds for gifs for IE, I really don't want to get rid of the fixed 
footer as well.

The test site is at www.freelancealot.co.uk/tests/test_ie.html
CSS is at www.freelancealot.co.uk/tests/css/main_test.css

I've already spent about 4 hours fiddling with the thing and have got a bit 
further that I was at the start, but I've reached the bottom of my knowledge 
pool and am hoping to borrow some off  the experts on this list. :)

Any thoughts?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Cheers, Tracy

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