> I would urge you to rethink how this page is being put together. The
> whole 'slices' approach to background images is very 'old skool'. You
> should look at getting your markup valid and semantic, then isolating
> the background images, borders required to achieve your design.

Can you clarify the above? In my mind, old school is table-based
design with sliced images.  CSS-based layouts with background images
for non-content visuals is the new way, right?  Is there a newer way
yet that's now the current standard? Many standards-based sites that I
visit use a variety of images, "slices" if you wish, as background
images on various elements.  CSS Zen Garden comes to mind as one such
site. I'm definitely open to knowing more about a better approach than
images attached as backgrounds if design is heading another direction.
 Do you have example sites of the newer methods?

I agree that this particular framework is a bit heavy on div's, and I
wish there was a way to do everything I want with a simpler structure.
 The interior pages that have rounded corners and have min/max width
are what's especially driving this structure which I found and
modified with much help from this list.  I truly wish for a simpler
page code, but I cut it every which way that I knew and didn't come up
with anything.

As mentioned, I'll look at the validation again. Many of these errors
come from the tabbed white box in the middle.  Removing that from the
page fixes many errors, but not the invisible main navigation tabs.

What's very odd to me is why they work on the interior pages, though,
and not on the homepage built from the same basic framework.  One
definite difference is that #wrapper1 does NOT have a negative margin
on the interior pages.  I'll have to re-think the way I'm applying the
shadow to the white tab space.  Looks like I'll have to find another

Thanks for the tips on the places to check out in my coding.  My goal
is definitely to use strict for the doctype, so I'd rather fix
problems than change that part.
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