Andzia wrote:
> Hi Ania, and welcome. There are some coding errors that make it 
> difficult to diagnose.
> Correct those and ask again if that does not work.
> You mean this? 
> <>
>  It mostly finds errors in the html in four columns which I created 
> to execute my design (more or less...), and the css validator doesn't
>  show any errors (although there are some warnings).

Sorry. I thought I saw errors in the menu markup. Re-visiting the page I
no longer see those.

To center an element using "auto" left/right margins, the element must
have a width - either specified or intrinsic (as in the case of a
"shrink-to-fit" property like an inline-block).

Unordered lists have top and bottom margins, and either left margin or
padding (depending on the browser). Setting margin-top to zero on your
menu ULs will rid you of the band of gray across the top. Setting the
padding-left and margin-left will give you better cross-browser control.

> Also, I was turning off css markup in Firebug, and if it didn't 
> change anything in the layout, I was removing it, but I don't know if
>  that was good approach ;)

Somewhat. But note my comment about some browsers using margin-left and
others using padding-left on UL ss an example of why this is not foolproof.

> Sorry for newbie questions, it's the first time that I'm coding 
> something. I was trying to change only the css file. The menu doesn't
>  have a separate php template, and it uses a "superfish jquery 
> plugin", maybe this makes things complicated.

As someone who avoids drop-down/ fly-out menus like the plague, I'm not
the person to ask about them.

> (BTW - You may be better off using an HTML DOCTYPE with the markup 
> you use.)
> Should I change the doctype?

More apologies here. I had forgotten that Wordpress generates XHTML
code. Please ignore my suggestion.

> Maybe there is something wrong with it, as the website doesn't
> display Polish letters...

My browsers report that you are using UTF-8. Sadly, many client-side
editors do not support UTF-8 very well. Dreamweaver prior to CS3 did
not, for example. Also, FTP clients may need to be set to transmit code
as "binary". Otherwise you should be able to insert characters from
almost any language directly into the code. You don't even need entities
for copyright and em-dash characters!

A clue that something in the editing/ upload/ storage cycle is
converting UTF-8 to a Latin-based encoding is when your accented
characters display as 2-4 strange symbols.

> but I didn't change anything - it came with WP Framework theme.

Well, some things seem to be missing from the framework. In addition to
the resetting of margins and padding, the background-color has not been
set. Mind you, I like the light tan background I see this end... :)

Hope I have not confused you too much.

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