On Jul 17, 2009, at 5:35 AM, Bobby Jack wrote:

> Not if there's a relatively-positioned element on the page, in my  
> experience:
> http://www.fiveminuteargument.com/fixed-position-z-index
> Is this a bug or expected behaviour?

That is the expected behaviour. CSS2.1:Appendix E has all the details.
In short, the DIV without z-index (z-index:auto per definition) and  
the UL are both at the same stacking level (both are positioned, both  
have z-index:auto). Because the UL comes later in the source, it is  
painted/layered on top.

Note that IE 6 & 7 do all kind of crazy things with stacking levels.  
If you use those browsers to test your page, results may not be  
consistent with the spec (cough, cough, how's that for a polite  
sentence ?).

Philippe Wittenbergh

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