This has not appeared on the list yet, so I apologize if it ends up
duplicated.  Thx.


From: Jeff Chastain [] 
Sent: Friday, July 17, 2009 4:01 PM
To: ''
Subject: 100% body height not expanding beyond viewport


This is probably basic, but it has me stumped at the moment.  I have a
design where the body background is a single color and then there is a
wrapper around the content which is centered on the page.  The background of
that wrapper is white and is supposed to extend the full height of the page
- even if the content itself does not.  So, my CSS looks like this .


                html, body {

                                height: 100%;

                                background: #d0dce7;


                #bodyWrap {

                                position: relative;

                                width: 90%;
                                margin: 0 auto;

                                max-width: 1276px;

                                min-width: 796px;

                                min-height: 100%;


                * html #bodyWrap {

                                height: 100%;

                                background: #ffffff;



Now, when the context does not extend the full height of the viewport, this
works just fine.  The "bodyWrap" div extends the full height of the view
port and there is this nice white column going the full height of the page
with blue side bars.  The issue is when the content extends beyond the
height of the viewport.  Then, the bodyWrap div extends with the content
like it should.  However, the body element, or at least the background color
does not extend - it stops at the height of the view port.


Can somebody help me out with what I am missing here?



-- Jeff


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